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Showing posts from June, 2015

Garden Ponderings...

      I was out choring tonight and was headed for the garden to pick beans....I noticed a patch of weeds and thought of the fact that they needed pulling but I just don't have time...I stopped thinking ,you know if I get them while they are small it wont take as long...and just because I ignore them it will not make go I stopped and pulled didn't take long, not because there wasn't many...there was a lot...but they were mind started wondering...and I began pondering on this....weeds like sins if not taken care of immediately while they are small...can take tremendous hold in my life....yes...My hands went back to the task of weeding but I kept pondering the thought.....If I mulch them heavy I wont have to weed this area for rest of summer....then my mind again went to the weeds of our lives....mulching with Gods Word would do the same in my spiritual life....the more of Gods Word I dig in and apply the less weeds will come up...and when the

For this is the day the Lord hath made....I WILL rejoice and be glad in it.

Another blessed day here on PatchWork Acres....Dehydrator full of zucchini squash, some cubed and some grated.....thinking this will be a nice addition to add to recipes...a handful into soups ,and chicken and dressing....also have a canner going full of green beans...yes the garden in producing full blast....I also have an incubator full of eggs and they are busily chirping and hatching....sounds kinda hectic here....    and I was feeling stretched thin...but I got to thinking...This is the day the Lord hath made...I WILL rejoice and be glad in it....Rejoicing is a choice....I can look at the things around me and drown or I can keep my focus on Jesus and choose thankfulness instead....When I choose to be thankful and yes even make myself Praise the Lord...I can actually feel the tenseness drain from my body.....I am glad that I have a heavenly Father that cares....I know if he sees every sparrow that falls...and he knows even how many hairs I have on my head..( and how many were in m